Tell Us You’re a Jaguar Without Telling Us You’re a Jaguar

Posted on June 5, 2024 by 美国市场营销与传播

传统建立社区. Whether heartwarming or hilarious, an elaborate event or a simple hand gesture, they bring Jaguars together.


迎新周 is really a week-plus of networking and bonding opportunities for 新生和归国学生. Get on Board Day showcases student organizations. 召开 teaches such important skills as how to sing the fight song and how to throw a J. 教师 and staff pitch in to carry boxes during Move-In Days. 这是一个相对较新的传统 但这是秋季学期的一个强有力的开端.


Person throwing toilet paper in the trees for 抛弃丛林.抛弃丛林

You can kick off 同学会 week by rolling the trees around the USA Traffic Circle with impunity — and the Student Government Association provides the toilet paper. 同学会 also includes a bonfire and pep rally, Greek step show and, of course, a big Hancock 橄榄球队在惠特尼体育场获胜.



It’s amazing how much fun you can have playing volleyball in foot-deep water and mud. More than 30 coed teams get down and dirty — literally — at the annual Oozeball tournament to raise money for the 南方人 ambassador program and the Spotting Excellence 奖学金.



This delicious Black History Month mainstay builds community among the University 家庭. The Multicultural Leadership Center brings students, faculty and staff together 为了一顿能滋养身体和灵魂的饭.


五次左撇子Person in cap and gown highfiving 南paw statue.

Selfie opportunities abound at the heart of campus, especially as Commencement draws 附近. The 南Paw statue and 默尔顿塔 and 校友 Plaza, across from each other on USA 南 Drive, draw lots of picture posers. 几步远的地方是美洲虎雕塑 in front of the 米切尔中心 and the Waterman Globe in the center’s lobby have 证明Instagram-worthy.


Professor putting whitecoat on medical student.白大褂仪式

The donning of a white lab coat marks the end of classroom studies and the beginning of clinical rotations for students in medicine, nursing, physician assistant studies, occupational therapy, physical therapy and audiology.


为儿童癌症患者敲响钟声Bell to be rung for pediatric cancer patients.

During September (Childhood Cancer Awareness Month), a bronze bell in the courtyard 美国儿童健康中心 & 女子医院 sings the sweetest song in the world for young cancer patients and their families, celebrating completion of treatment.



Around the time that costumed revelers parade at Mardi Gras, uniformed football players in town for the Senior Bowl visit young patients at Children’s & 女子医院. It’s hard to tell whether the kids or the players find the experience more moving.



An annual ceremony unveils the names of new Lifetime Members of the 南 Alabama National 校友 Association, along with those of other University builders and supporters. 到目前为止,这面墙上有3931个名字.



The J-for-Jaguars symbol with thumb and forefinger grew as the University encouraged alternative school spirit displays to replace a “南 in your mouth!嘲弄 在篮球比赛中出现. Whether you throw a J, show a J, get your J-hand up or simply say “J’s up,” remember to use the left hand so onlookers see a J and not L代表…你知道的.
