Limited Submissions FAQ & Institutional Nominees

为所有活动(开放)有限提交比赛见 InfoReady.  


Some grant and fellowship programs limit the number of proposals that may be submitted by an institution (and/or PI). (这些信息通常在“资格”一栏内提供 section of a funding announcement, and is sometimes advertised on the program website.) This is done for a variety of reasons, such as limiting the number of proposals that require review in order to reduce the burden on reviewers; ensuring that submissions have the endorsement of the originating institution; and encouraging submission of 来自一个机构的最优质的提案.

A limited submission to any external funding opportunity such as a grant, fellowship, 或其他资金需要机构批准. Sometimes the funder requires specific documentation that is submitted with the proposal or directly to the agency. 在所有情况下,南方的资助项目管理办公室 requires internal documentation submitted with the proposal record in Cayuse SP. Documentation of institutional approval is handled by Research Communications, Development & Learning.

IMPORTANT: If you submit a proposal to a limited submission program without an institutional nomination and the institutional limit is exceeded, your proposal, and other proposals submitted from USA for that opportunity, will very likely be returned without review.



Some limited submissions are so specific that only a handful of people from a given institution are eligible to apply; however, others are quite broad and receive more 教师的兴趣大于允许的提案数. For the latter we usually run an internal competition to determine the eligible institutional nominee(s).

First you should check our calendar of recurring limited submission opportunities, below, to see if the program you want to apply to is one that we regularly run an internal competition for. 如果是,你就会对时间框架有一个大致的概念 并可以查看InfoReady是否有公开竞争.

如果你没有看到你感兴趣的课程, 更多信息请十大彩票网投平台的办公室. It is best to contact us early on when you have identified a limited submission you 在开发应用程序之前感兴趣. That way, if an internal competition must be run we will have adequate time to do so.


The following limited submission opportunities are ones that typically recur on an 以年度为基础,并在预计的代理截止日期前列出. For many of them, we expect to run an internal competition in order to select eligible nominees. Competitions 通常在代理截止日期前几个月开放. If you do not 看看你有兴趣申请的竞争, contact our office. This is by no means an inclusive list of limited submissions, but rather ones that South faculty frequently apply to.

Calendar includes agency (非内部)截止日期及每所院校的申请数目.


橡树岭联合大学. power青年教师进步奖 (due 6 Jan 2021; up to two may be submitted)

国家自然科学基金重大研究仪器计划 (due 19 Jan 2021; up to three may be submitted)


Mary Kay Foundation Cancer Research Grants (due early February; one submission allowed)


能源部EPSCoR实施补助金 (due 2 Mar 2021, although due dates may vary annually; one submission allowed)


NASA EPSCoR合作协议通知 (9 Apr 2021, although due dates may vary annually; one submission allowed)

National Science Foundation EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Track 4: EPSCoR Research Fellows (due 25 Apr 2021; up to three may be submitted)


国家人文基金会夏季津贴 (due 22 Sep 2021; up to three may be submitted)


National Science Foundation EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track-2 Focused EPSCoR Collaborations (LOI due 18 Dec 2020; one submission allowed)

▼   I'm an institutional nominee. What do I do with my approval?

Prior to routing the proposal, the nomination memo should be uploaded as a proposal attachment in Cayuse SP with a document type of Representations/Certifications. This will certify institutional eligibility to submit a limited submission application. Proposals routed for a limited submission opportunity without the official memo will not be approved until the memo is received, which could jeopardize a timely submission to the agency.  


Submission-eligible institutional nominees for various limited submission opportunities are listed below.

Department of Energy Building EPSCoR-State/National Laboratory Partnerships 2022

Dr. Melike Dizbay-Onat, 机械、航空航天和生物医学系 Engineering

Dr. K-T Hsiao, 机械、航空航天和生物医学系 Engineering

Dr. 王金辉,电气与计算机工程系


Dr. 吴盛华,土木、海岸与环境工程系

HRSA Nurse Education, Practice, Quality and Retention - Mobile Health Training Program (NEPQR-MHTP) 2022

Dr. 艾米丽·本特利,成人保健护理系

Mary Kay Ash Foundation Innovative/Translational Cancer Research Grants 2022

Dr. 西蒙·格雷特,生物化学系 & Molecular Biology


Dr. Matthew Pettway, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature

Dr. Brian Whitener, Assistant Professor, Department of Modern and Classical Languages and Literature


Dr. 詹姆斯·戴维斯,化学系


Dr. K-T Hsiao, William B. Burnsed, Jr. 机械、航空航天和生物医学系 Engineering 

NIH PAR-21-326 Modern Equipment for Shared-Use Biomedical Research Facilities

Dr. 米歇尔·舒勒,比较医学系

NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track-2 Focused EPSCoR Collaborations 2023

Dr. Steven Scyphers, Associate Professor, School of Marine and Environmental Sciences

NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track-4 Research Fellows (RII Track-4) 2022

Dr. Melike Dizbay-Onat, 机械、航空航天和生物医学系 Engineering

Dr. 丹尼·斯梅尔,土木、海岸和环境工程系

Dr. Daniela Wolter Ferreira Touma, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Dr. Ryan Benton,计算机科学系

Dr. 托马斯·里奇,药学系

三名被提名者中有三分之一未被提名. Contact with questions.


Dr. Aviv Segev,计算机科学系

NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) 2022

Dr. Prakash Duraisamy,计算机科学系

ORAU Ralph E. 2022年power青年教师进步奖

Dr. 乔安娜·弗诺,数学与统计学系

Dr. Aref Yadollahi,机械工程系